TransPacific Communications, an 8(a) Certified Business delivers a series of diversity and cross-cultural communication training seminars for you and your agencies. These interactive sessions are designed to increase awareness of cultural competency and diversity. We also tailor any of the sessions to fit your company’s specific needs and goals.
Our Cross-Cultural Communications Training Program
We are currently offering the following seminars as part of our Cross-Cultural Communications Training Program:
Topic 1: Power Networking Across Cultures ExpandImprove your ability to communicate effectively across cultural barriers and understand diverse cultural differences.
This training seminar helps you learn communication techniques layered with understanding and respect for the diverse cultures we come into contact with every day. This is designed for those who interact with individuals from other cultures as well as those who wish to communicate more effectively.
Topics Covered:
- The dos and don’ts of cross-cultural communication
- The art of handshaking
- How to properly introduce yourself to make a positive impression
- The key to memorizing people’s names
- How to expand and grow networks
Improve your ability to stand out and get ahead in today’s diverse workforce.
This training seminar helps you learn the importance of personal branding and the benefits and techniques for developing an effective personal brand. This is designed for those who wish to develop and improve their personal branding and networking skills.
Topic 3: Effective Communication for Non-Native English Professionals ExpandImprove your ability to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic barriers.
This interactive seminar is designed for both native and non-native English speakers. It will help non-native English speakers to speak with enhanced clarity and purpose while helping them to neutralize accents and develop effective methods of delivering messages. It will also help natives better understand how to break down communication challenges effectively when working with non-native English-speaking professionals.
Topic 4: Writing Effectively on the Job ExpandImprove your ability to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic barriers through writing.
This interactive seminar is designed for both native and non-native writers. It will help non-native writers communicate with enhanced clarity and purpose. It will also help natives better understand non-native writing as well as how to communicate effectively when working with other government agencies, non-native English professionals, foreign embassies and other entities.
Students will also learn the rules of business writing, including the do’s and don’ts, the principles of business correspondence, and the different types of business letters.
Topic 5: How to Deliver a Winning Presentation ExpandImprove your ability to communicate effectively across cultural barriers in your presentations.
This interactive workshop teaches participants how to defeat the fear of public speaking by learning how to control stage fright, organize any type of presentation/remarks, open and close speeches and many other aspects of public speaking.
Topic 6: Business Etiquette ExpandLearn how to build collaboration in today’s team-oriented, diverse, multi-cultural settings through enhanced etiquette know-how, communication techniques and networking skills.
Topics Covered:
- How to make a great first impression
- The art of dealing with people, from remembering names to suspending judgments to respecting personal space
- How to effectively communicate with others
- How to conduct work meetings
- Professional and acceptable ways of keeping your workspace
- International business etiquette
Learn everything you need to know to run a successful meeting, including how handle interruptions and different agendas.
Topics Covered:
- How to set up different types of meetings
- How to prepare team members for meetings
- What takes place behind the scenes before meetings
- Do’s and don’ts of running successful meetings
- How to handle interruptions, different agendas, off-topic conversations, etc. with ease
Improve your ability to communicate effectively across the globe.
Thanks to the Internet, learning about a culture can be as easy; however, understanding one is much more challenging.
Topics Covered:
- Understanding culture identity, stereotypes and generalization
- Cultural norms and values
- Business etiquette
- Communication styles and patterns
- The do’s and don’ts of working across cultures
Improve your ability to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic barriers by learning techniques and skills for mentoring a multi-cultural workforce.
This training workshop helps participants learn techniques and skills of mentoring a multi-cultural workforce by understanding the diverse cultures we come into contact with every day. It is designed for those who supervise/interact with individuals from other cultures as well as those who wish to be more effective by improving their ability to communicate.
Topic 10: Onboarding with Effective Communication & Etiquette ExpandBuild a new and effective team.
Organizations always should have two goals in mind for new employees:
- Make them feel welcome and comfortable in their new surroundings
- Minimize the time before new employees are productive members of their new workgroup
This three-hour interactive seminar is a designed to help participants learn the elements of onboarding by using effective communication and etiquette to achieve that goal.
Topic 11: Executive Training ExpandImprove your ability to communicate effectively across cultural barriers and lead a team of diverse backgrounds and cultures.
This interactive workshop is designed for executives and senior managers as well as those who have to deal with the media.
Topics Covered:
- How to understand messages and their delivery
- The challenges of working across cultures in a multi-cultural workforce
- How body language impacts leadership effectiveness
- Business etiquette
- How to manage emotional Intelligence
- Personal branding
- Interpersonal communication
Learn how to get the word out and build collaboration with today’s media through enhanced media “know-how,” interview techniques and networking skills.
This session will help participants learn how to deal with the media, including how to craft a press release and how to prepare for media interviews. It is designed to generate an understanding of how to cultivate positive working relationships with the media and identify the most effective media channels to sell/tell the story.
Topic 13: Interviewing Skills for Hiring Managers ExpandLearn how to bring the best candidates to your organization.
Topics Covered:
- Prepare for an interview
- Identify styles and types of interviews
- Plan an effective interview strategy
- Develop good and challenging questions
- Conduct successful interviews
- Take precautions to prevent faux pas and discrimination
Recognize and understand your own emotions and use that to leverage your success.
Topics Covered:
- How to recognize and understand you own emotions
- How emotions affect the people around you
- How your perception of others affects you and them
- Why people with high emotional intelligence are usually successful in most things they do and how to improve yours
Learn how to consider individual and institutional strategies.
This training seminar will help you to learn and acknowledge unconscious biases.
Topics Covered:
- Where this bias come from
- How it manifests itself
- Why its impact is so powerful
- Best Practices for awareness, confronting and overcoming unconscious bias
- The impact of unconscious bias, micro-inequities and other forms of non-litigable bias on the individual and the organization
If you are interested in one or more of our Cross-Cultural Communications Training Program seminars, please fill out our Contact Form or give us a call at (301) 322-5675. We will reach out immediately to schedule a seminar and discuss your needs and goals.
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About Us
TransPacific Communications, an 8(a) Certified Business is the leading provider of Cross-Cultural Communications training and has over 20 years of expertise in coaching, consulting and media training. TransPacific Communications helps organizations improve cultural competencies and empowers their employees to break cultural barriers through education, awareness, and enhanced communication.