Providing one-on-one services helps your organization implement a successful Cross-Cultural Communication strategy.
TransPacific Communications provides one-on-one coaching services to help your organization implement a successful Cross-Cultural Communication strategy. We also provide executive coaching and customized coaching for individuals wishing to improve their communication and presentation skills. Let us help your organization get your Cross-Cultural Communications program up and running. You give your star employee a chance to shine even more brightly and others a tool to transform their careers. You leave a legacy for giving people the lift when they need it the most. We get to fulfill our mission. That’s a win-win-win!
If you are interested in finding out how we can help you take your organization to the next level using our Cross-Cultural Communications coaching services, please fill out our Contact Form or give us a call at 301-322-5675. We will reach out immediately to discuss your needs and goals.
Effective Communication
This 1-hour course improves your ability to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic barriers.
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Personal Branding Audit
This 1-hour course helps you learn the importance of personal branding and the benefits and techniques for developing an effective personal brand.
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Effective Communication through Accent Reduction & Modification™
This 2-hour course, designed for both native and non-native English speakers, help non-native English speakers to speak with enhanced clarity and purpose.
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About Us
TransPacific Communications is the leading provider of Cross-Cultural Communications training and has over 20 years of expertise in coaching, consulting and media training. TransPacific Communications helps organizations improve cultural competencies and empowers their employees to break cultural barriers through education, awareness, and enhanced communication.